WHY SUDAN? Alcoholism is epidemic in southern Sudan after 22 years of war and a shattered economy. WHY ME? In the Fall of 2005, I was hopelessly numbing out my pain with alcohol.
On Dec. 27, 2005, in absolute desperation, I walked into an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
In January of 2006 I got to Step 3, "Give your life and will to God." Life hasn't been the same since.
This June-August, I will share the Gospel of Jesus and alcoholism recovery to the men of Sudan.
This June 1st-August 17th, I will seek-out alcoholics in southern-most Sudan. The men there drink a deadly roadside moonshine (see the still above -which contains embalming fluid and methanol) to temporarily escape the pain of war, poverty and hopelessness. God-willing, they will put their faith in Jesus, be freed from alcoholism and their lives will never be the same.
March 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009

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